It is really hard to write regular updates when the buffet is open 24 hours a day and you are it. Every time I sit down to write she seems to know, and I hear a moooooooooooooooooo sound coming from the room as Madam yells for her cow. She is a smart little cookie and unless I watch closely and listen for the swallowing, she will nibble nibble nibble without actually drinking. When I am not a cow, then I am just one big Dummy and if she had her way, she would be attached to me all day long like a little tentacle.
I am very worried about Kyra though. My friend Claudine came to visit today and Kayleigh is 3 weeks older than Kyra and seems to be double her size. So I checked in that little book the clinic gives you and she is supposed to weigh over 4kg’s and there is no way she does. She is tiny. When I took her to the Clinic at Clicks the Aunty told me she is eating too much cos she gained so much and last week when I took her to the Clinic at the hospital they said she is gaining too little and I must come back in a week (which is tomorrow). So I will go tomorrow. Hopefully I just have a petite child and not what the books call “failure to thrive” cos I have sour milk.
She really battles with her wind and clinic said to me she has a bit of colic. It is strange cos when we are out and about with noise and in and out of shops and cars she doesn’t so much as squeak and is happy as ever, but sit “peacefully” at home and she screams so loudly the neighbours investigate. We wonder if she is one of those babies that likes light and noise. I have heard about them. I feel so out of my depth though. With Declan I knew somehow what to do and how to look after a cancer baby but I just feel at such a loss as to what to do with a “normal” baby. I assume crying and wind is normal but when is it not normal and when do I take her to a doctor. It is almost like I have been de-sensitised in a sense and think that anything less severe than cancer is hardly an illness or an issue needing medical attention. The clinic said I must take her to a chiropractor for her colic and I said I didn’t think it was necessary and the sister looked at me like I was an evil, cruel mom who didn’t care if her child had discomfort so off we went to the chiro. He said her spine is fine and that there must be issues with the sugar in my milk causing her gas cos I explained how she lets them rip to such an extent that people stop what they are doing to hear where the noise came from and inevitably think its me cos no baby could possible make such explosions. She puts the guys from Jackass and Kenny vs Spenny to shame.
Got to head off - I am being summoned. She is in the garden with Petronilla airing her bottie cos she has nappy rash and she just pooped in the pram and is cross about that and hungry at the same time. All in a day’s work – I just love her to bits xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
PS Congrats Silvana on the arrival of little Rafael
PPS Who wants to run the Two Oceans Half Marathon with me next year in April – we start training now. (as in next Monday). I will post a program on the net and we can get fit together and do some practice races together and motivate each other – our own little team – we need a name. I last did exercise in 2009 and that was running the bath so we are all in the same bath. Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy coming moooooooooooooooooooo
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