Little Miss K is just sooooo cute. She has 2 toofies at the bottom. We gave her a piece of dun wors to suck on, turned around for a second and turned back to find she had gnawed her way through half of it and was storing it like a little chipmunk in her cheeks. Glad I am no longer breastfeeding.
She has been crawling since she was 6 and a half months and now she stands up and walks along the furniture. She has helped unpack all my cds and also helps with taking the books out of the bookshelf. You can never do too much dusting now can you.
She loves to eat. At her 6 month check up she was 8.5 kgs and I shudder to think what she is weighing in at now. She is not an oros man though - she is tall - has the makings of a supermodel I guess. Daddy is a dish, so guess thats where she gets it from. This morning she had porridge. Mid morning snack was a boo dwah, and lunch was a mashed banana with little pieces of apple that she spat back at me. The apple is the most sinful fruit, so I understand why. It caused all kinds of problems for Adam and the rest of the universe, so not only is my child cute, but also wise. Daddy is making mutton stew, so think we will try that for dinner.
Right now she is in her walking ring, testing Daddy's authority in the kitchen. She puts her hand in the rubbish bin, Daddy sternly says no, she takes it away, waits for Daddy to look away and then puts it back, waits for Daddy to say no, takes it out and on we go.
When we passsed 7 months, 3 weeks and 4 days, the age Declan was when he died, I relaxed. I started to think maybe she is here to stay and its okay for me to fall madly in love her. I was of course totally in love, but I was scared and I kept thinking something is going to happen to ruin everything. I suppose that is normal. I wonder what happens to Moms who lose their children when they are say 10. Do they stress for 10 years?
The older she gets, the easier I find it. I love the fact that we can "do" things together now. Miss K loves a good shop - groceries, shoes - it doesn't matter. As long as we spend money, she is happy. Daddy better have a lotto ticket up his sleeve.
In 11 days she will be 9 months. I can't believe how time is flying and I now understand why people say "enjoy every second, it goes by so fast" - even those first 6 weeks when you want to throw yourself, your baby, your husband and your dog off a short building with the sleep deprivation you are suffering from, it's true. It flies by. Her first birthday is around the corner.
So that is my news. Love my children, Miss K, Angel Dec and Miss Pea (the only one I didnt have to physically birth, but still one of my babies).
Love you sausage.
"I went to the woods because I wanted to live deliberately. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life and not when I come to die, discover that I had not lived." Walt Whitman
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