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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kyra likes the night!

Wow, but this breastfeeding is getting harder and easier all at the same time.  Kyra and I have learnt each other a bit and she is latching better, but now she has decided that night time is day time and day time is night.  In the day she will feed and then play a bit and then have a nap, but from 7pm onwards, she squirms like she is in pain, doesn’t latch very well and WILL NOT sleep.  What gives?  The other night I was walking around like a zombie rocking her till 1.30 in the morning.  And herein lies an advantage to the bottle fed baby – hand her to Daddy!!! I am really quite exhausted and am starting to dread sunset.  Any tips anyone?  I didn’t really breast feed Declan. I tried and battled so topped up with a bottle and then when he was diagnosed we stayed on the bottle.  I was a little too stressed plus they needed to know exactly what he consumed each day, so in essence this is my first experience breast feeding.  Babywise has gone a little out the window. I have broken every Babywise rule in the book. They gonna report me to the Babywise police.
Other than my night time activities all is going fantastically.  She is just the cutest and I cannot believe 2 weeks has passed already. Before we know it, I will be dropping her off at her Matric Dance. Because we have our own business, I have had to come back to work a few days here and there.  It is very upsetting. I was hoping to be able to stay away a little longer but it is not to be.  At least we work from Daryl’s parent’s house so Granny Maureen can watch her in between feeds. Granny Wendy is visiting at the moment and is just loving her little granddaughter. Granny Jill arrives next week.
Don’t worry – I won’t be writing many posts. I am very boring so Kyra will normally do them. I just know if she had written this post she would say she doesn’t see a problem with being awake all night and she doesn’t see a problem with using me as a dummy and for what the books call non-nutritive sucking to the point where I have no feeling anywhere on my chest and she doesn’t see a problem in snacking every 20 minutes after the sun goes down and she doesn’t see a problem with sleeping in my bed and yelling at me when I dare to dose off for a second.  Yes, that is what little Kyra would say so I decided to share my side of the story.
In the morning after a long night, I wake up though (we are allowed to sleep between 5am and 6am) and look at my precious little child’s face and remind myself that if exhaustion is my only problem in life at the moment as far as Kyra is concerned, I am one lucky lady.  At Kyra’s age, Declan had spent a lot of time in hospital dripped and wired and anaesthetised and operated on and poked and prodded. The tumour was like a golf ball and was pushing his eye out and he must have been in pain and I was a new mom, overwhelmed and terrified and devastated.  It seems like a life time ago and I really don’t know how we got through it.  It was a different world, 2008, so 2010 and Kyra is all pretty easy now and we are blessed with a healthy, rosy cheeked little girl.


Linda-Maree said...

Hi Gillian, Daryl and Kyra...It really is a totally different tiredness to anything you have ever experienced before, isn't it...I wish I had a suggestion for you, but I don't...I know that there is a theory, to put her down and leave her and let her cry until she realises the ways of the world, but I think it is cruel and I can't see you doing that. Keep enjoying her - she is very precious..Lots of love
P.S - it is a little harder to leave messages here then it is on Declan's blog, but I am sure there are lots of your old "friends" who still think of you and send lots of love

Unknown said...

Try Telement Drops (Colic Drops). Put a drop on a dummy and shove it in. It worked on my little one like an on/off switch. I was also adament that I wanted to be holistic and Babywise was the only way to go but after 20 hours in labour and no progress, I had to have a cesaer. Also try taking her to a chiropractor.

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