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Monday, October 4, 2010

My birth experience

My brother had a blog and so my Mommy said I can also have one, all to myself, where I can write whatever I want all about ME and anything else that blows my brown hair back!!
So I arrived in the world on September 22 at 4.30 pm via Caesarean section weighing 2.98 kgs. Mommy badly wanted a natural birth, like she had with my brother Declan and she had a midwife and everything and was all ready to go off and have me at Genesis Clinic, when all the doctors said it would be dangerous and traumatic cos I was lying transverse. That means I hadn’t stuck my head down (and didn’t have it up either for that matter). I was lying across across my Mommy’s tummy with my head under her right arm pit and my feet under her left. I was not budging as I never had any intention of squeezing my way into the world and messing up my fine features, neat little head and Rod Stewart hair do.  I know what they did to my brother with those silver salad server forceps!  Declan looked like he’d gone a few rounds with Tyson and I would be having none of it. 
Mommy was terrified of being sliced up though. I don’t know why. Even Daddy said it’s much easier to have a c section but since he has never given birth (whether naturally or by c section) Mommy says she doesn’t know where he gets off giving opinions.  Mommy was supposed to be done at 5 but they took us early at 4.  One hour less for Mommy to worry so that was okay but one hour less for me to spend with my brother.  He came to see me off you know and we hugged and I said I got to go and he promised to visit often, which he says he does anyway and he said I must look after Mommy and Daddy and help them to be happy again. 
Mommy’s blood pressure dropped quite low and she broke out in a cold sweat and looked a tad pale but other than that and the weird feeling of pressure in her chest she said the operation was not as bad as she expected it to be.  The Doc yanked me out and showed me to Mommy who looked at me like “who arrrrrrrrrre you?” before I was whisked off to be cleaned up.  I think Mommy got a shock cos I have brown hair and Mommy was expecting me to look exactly like my brother because we look exactly the same in the 4D scan, but Mommy doesn’t know when the 4D scan was done, the pics they took were of Declan as he had come by to play with me that day and he decided to play tricks with the camera and stick his face in front of mine. Naughty Declan!!!  You can see Dec and I are brother and sister, but being a little lady, I am finer and smaller and more delicate and I have dark hair and navy blue eyes that Mommy says she could just drown in.
I only saw Mommy again 3 hours later which wasn’t very nice and also what Mommy said was not lekker about a C section and then they took me away after only an hour together till all the way through to the next morning. They said they would take me back at 5am and at 5.01 am I heard old Mommy buzzing furiously and asking why they hadn’t brought me through yet.  Again the natural birth babies got precedence and were bathed first and I only got to go to Mommy at 6.30.  And then me and Mommy got to check each other out properly for the 1st time cos I think the night before Mommy was a bit stoned.  We stared deep into each other’s eyes and it was LOVE! I could see she had already fallen for my charm and just adored me, inside and out. All her fears about me reminding her of Declan and her not being able to bond if she had a Caesar and fears for my health all flew out the window and we both knew everything was going to be just fine and we were a perfect match.
They came and took all the tubes and drips out of Mommy at 9am and told her to get up and start moving and then the next morning they let us go home. So all in all we spent one day and 2 nights in hospital.  We were starting to get a bit restless and I know Mommy did not like being in the hospital with a little baby – too many memories – so it was a good thing they released us early.
I am breast feeding very well though Mommy says I resemble a Barracuda on a frenzy.  Mommy cries a bit when we get started with a meal, but I settle down and then it’s ok. Mommy read this book called Baby wise that said if she does certain things and has me on a bit of a schedule, then by 7 – 9 weeks I will be sleeping through the night.  Mommy read a summary of the book to me when I was born so I know what is expected of me.  So far I am co-operating and Mommy only has to get up twice a night for me. Mommy is looking a little worse for wear though and her interrupted beauty sleep is most certainly wearing her down, but we soldier on.
I know Mommy misses my brother very much and I do remind her of him in many ways and what could and should have been but I am the new light in Mommy’s life and she is taking in every single little moment with me, cos she knows how fleeting it all can be. I score big time cos I get loads and loads of attention and Mommy hardly leaves my side. She even sleeps in my room with me and has left Daddy to fend for himself (with Peanut).

Arriving at Hospital at 1.30pm Wed 22 Sep 2010

Kyra arrives in the world - my 1st look at her and I wondered why she had dark hair - what a first thought to have

They hand her to me - its daft man this Caesar business.  I could hardly see her properly without breaking my neck

She often lies with her hands up - so relaxed

Leaving the hospital (Hallellujah) on Friday around lunch

Arriving home with her - Daddy carrying her through the front door

Meeting a very curious Peanut


Life As I Know It... said...

It is just so amazing how 1 little person can make you feel whole again. Like I have said many times, Kyra is beautiful, a real gem.. Declan knew what he was doing when he helped God hand pick Kyra!
You are a perfect match, a match made in heaven. Hope you feeling a bit more human and that the little sleep doesn't wear you down too much..
I am glad you happy Gill, it really makes me happy to see you smile almost all the time.. You deserve nothing less..

Unknown said...

A new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities.
Eda J. Le Shan

Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful daughter, Kyra! May she bring you only joy and happiness.

Corlene du Plessis

Deqlan said...

Welcome home Kyra, i can tell you you chose very wisely to arrive into this family, i think that has lots to do with your brother helping you decide to go to the most loving, caring, amazing Mommy and Daddy just perfect for you!

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